Russianeuropean laika ze Staré Moravy

Russianeuropean laika ze Staré Moravy


4.10.2016 - our Serri was mated

More info in "Puppies".

17.9.3016 - International hunting tests BZH - Zbečno

Šerri 1st merit, CACT -with this result she is now fully qualified for Czech Working Champion!
Irma 1st merit, r.CACT

Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika

11.9.2016 - ZVVZ Lavičky Orlík (Hunting tests)

Šerri lst merit CACT - Winner of hunting tests (out of 13 dogs). Veronika's secret wish came true on these tests - to win at least once! And it happend but it was very tight, but history does not ask. And so we have at home the very first laika, that won hunting tests, hopefully not the last one.
Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika

10.9.2016 - Last boy available.

Dasty was booked to Slovakia, but his new owner didn't come for him. We are already now taking Dasty into forest, he is very active and very interested. We are sure he will be great hunter, especially for varmints, wild pigs or suitable for very active family, that will provide him with enough of activities. He is well socialised, unfearful and strong in bone. Had we not have Šaman, who is in training now, we would keep him for sure.
Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika

20.8.2016 - Clea ze Staré Moravy successfuly passed hunting test (ZVVZ) with 1st merit, and she is also qualified to became Czech Junior Champion.

Huge thanks to Míše, for her activities with Clea and we cross fingers for more.
Russianeuropean laika

8.8.2016 - In section "Our boys" our newest member import from Russia, Šam, was added.

18.7.2016 - Puppies grow very fast

New photos in age of 5 week are here.

5.7.2016 - Photos of our puppies in age of 3 weeks.

More in "Puppies".

20.6.2016 - Photos and names of puppies.

More here.

13.6.2016 - Russianeuropean laika puppies were born!!!

More here.

5.6.2016 - Club show KCHH Knížecí rybník

Judge Mrs. Birte Scheel DK
Šerri - winners class - Exc.1 CAC, Winner of Club show, BOB
Russianeuropean laika

Nelinka together with Šerri participated in "Dog and child" competition and together they won.
Russianeuropean laika

4.6.2016 - Club show KCHH Knížecí rybník

Judge Mr. Kresten Scheel DK
Šerri - winners class - Exc.1 CAC, BOB - Šerri is now fully qualified as the very first russian european laika for Czech Grand Champion.
Russianeuropean laika

29.5.2016 - IDS Litoměřice

Judge Antonín Mudra
Šerri - champion cl. - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
Russianeuropean laika


Judge Mrs. Ludmila Pavlíková
Šerri - winners class - Exc.1 CAC, Club winner 2016, BOB
Russianeuropean laika


As we said before, we intented to import one more russian-european laika boy from Russia - the country of origin. Our wish came true and on 24th April we went to Estonia together with Jiří Dobeš, dipl.Ing. In town Narva we picked up two puppies - a girl for Jirka and a boy for us. All went smoothly and Šumka and Šaman and now in the Czech republic. Puppies are from Zabělina, Jaroslav part of Russia. They are by elite parents - Emír and Čarodějka Zabělinsky, bred by I. A. Osinov, who is a true hunter and all of his dogs are tested in practice hunt of boars, bucks and bears.
We will be fine with them going after boars and varmints. We will see during next hunting season.
Russianeuropean laika Russianeuropean laika

14.4.2016 - WE MATED IRMA

Our Irma was mated 14.4.2016 with Ego Bohemia Delikan (brother of our Engie).
We choosed this this because so far he did not have chance to prive himself in breeding, he is also son of an excellent hunting dog Rusič and last but not leat he passed hunting test (on blood track) in 1st merit. Ego is a male of strong bone, high selfconfidence, but easy to handle ( Ego's breeding check can be found here We initially wanted to mate Irma with polish dog Uran. But lately we have been very busy and due to unsufficient amount of time we decided for this option. Hopefully it will be a lucky one.


Judge Mr. Pehar Tino, HR
Irma - champion cl. - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Russianeuropean laika

2.4.2016 - NITRAWA CUP

Judge Mr. Agabeyli Zaur, AZ
Šerri - champion cl. - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Russianeuropean laika

20.-21.2.20016 - HZ Řisuty

Judges: Václav Sypecký, Ing. Karel Brokl, Markéta Chodilová
Šerri 1st merit
Irma 1st merit
Russianeuropean laika at hunting tests

7.2.2016 - DUO CACIB Brno

Judge: Mr. Deutscher Erwin, A
intermediate cl. - Šerri Exc.1, CAC
open class- Irma Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
working class - Engie Bohemia Delikan Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB
At this show all our girls qualified themselves for the title CZECH CHAMPION.
ruskoevropská lajka

6.2.2016 - DUO CACIB Brno

Judge: Mrs. Lenka Frnčová, CZ
intermediate cl. - Šerri Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
open class - Irma Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB
ruskoevropská lajka ruskoevropská lajka

Hunting season 2015

During all the hunts we went to, there were 145 wild pigs hunted down, 19 pieces of other hoofed game and 15 pieces of varmints. We were very satisfied with work of our dogs and we were mostly surprised by Irma. This was her first hunting season and we were a bit afraid about her not coming back to us after hunt. But in the end there was no need to worry. We knew about her hunting passion long time before and already now I can say, that both russian girls are so much more capabale in hunting than Engie and Donas - especially in their speed for searching for the animals. There is a very strict selection for breeding in Russia, which is focused on hunting site of the breed. We can see it clearly in our girls. My colleagues often ask me, why do I hunt with imports. They say they would not let them in. My answer is simple, there is no need to use a dog for breeding which didn't proove its hunting qualities in practice. Hunts are the best to give them a chance to do so. Although laikas are not typical hounds and are more suitable for solo hunt, they are capable of things other breeds aren't. We are also glad that we have no wounds from wild pigs. Only Donas had twice problem with his front leg.
What more to say? We need two more GPS collars and we are looking foward to the new hunting season hopefully with a new dog from Russia.

9.1. 2016 - Hunt in Fojtovice - Heřmanov

Without troubles this time it was also the only hunt in snow for us and also rich in animals. We will surely gladly come back.
Russianeuropean laika ruskoevropská lajka


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