Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos

Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos

Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos - News

english language

The Year 2007 began for our kennel with litter D. On 5th February hairless female Delissa Gefell, hairless male Danette Duo and coated male Diskito Cokyto were born. Dam is our Anika SJ and sire became Cederik Gavany´s Bohemia.

peruvian hairless dog

7. May - Special show KCHN in Lysa nad Labem /h4>

judge Mrs. Sibrtova
Airwaves Albi AV repeated his victory from 2006 and became again the most beautiful hairless dog - BIS
Carte d´Or AV got her first BOB and became The Most Beautiful Young.
Cocco Bounty AV was succesful as well - exc.1st, CAJC, Young winner of Special show
Our chinese crested Ice Angel got exc.1st, CAC and comleted conditions for Czech champion.

20th May IDS Litomerice

judge Mrs. Dolejsova
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAJC, BOB
Airwaves Albi AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB

24th June IDS Brno

judge Mr. Nemec
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAJC, BOB - completed Czech Junior Champion
Cocco Bounty AV - exc.1st, CAJC
Be-Be Beruska AV - exc.1st, CAC, r.CACIB
Delissa Gefell - puppy class - VP1

2nd September IDS Mlada Boleslav

judge Mr. Igor Selimovic - HR
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAJC, BOB
Airwaves Albi AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Cocco Bounty AV - exc.1st, CAJC - completed Czech Junior Champion

15th September my big dream came true! I imported a middle sized male from Peru - Intichimpu Capac Cuna ("Zany").

22nd September Club show KCHN Pohorelice

judge Mrs. Jilkova
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAC, Club Winner, BOB
Cocco Bounty AV - exc.1st, CAC, Club Winner
Be-Be Beruska AV - exc.2nd, res. CAC
Delissa Gefell AV - VP1, The Best Yuth of CS
"Anika Vevos" became the best kennel of the club show.

Anika Vevos - nejlepší chovatelská skupina klubové výstavy
The best kennel of the club show - Anika Vevos

Our Carte and Cocco Bounty were registered as a breeding female and stud male on this show.

3rd November IDS Nitra SK

judge Mrs. Ridarcikova - SK
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Cocco Bounty AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB
Be-Be Beruska AV - exc.1st, CAC, res.CACIB

17th November Club show KCHN - without the title "Club winner"

judge Mr. Kolinsky
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAC, The Best female
Airwaves Albi AV - exc.1st, CAC, The Best male, BOB, 3th place BIS
Bueno Fruit AV - exc.2nd
Cocco Bounty AV - exc.1st, CAC
Delissa Gefell AV - exc.1st, CAJC, The Best Young female

18th November IDS Prague

judge Mrs. Jilkova
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Airwaves Albi AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Cocco Bounty AV - exc.1st, CAC, res.CACIB
Bueno Fruit AV - exc.2nd, res.CAC
Delissa Gefell AV - exc.1st, CAJC

1st december NDS Nowa Ruda PL

judge Mr. Szemraj - PL
For the last show of this year I entered Carte and for the first time even Zany. The show was great and we finished the year 2007 with two BOB.
Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CWC, The best female of the breed, BOB
Intichipmu Capac Cuna - exc.1st, Young winner, BOB

Our "Champions" since 30.12.2007

Airwaves Albi - Czech Junior Champion, Czech champion, Club Champion
Be-Be Beruska AV - Czech Junior Champion, Czech champion, Club Champion
Carte d´Or AV - Czech Junior Champion
Cocco Bounty AV - Czech Junior Champion


Eva Černohubová - Website for breeders, graphics for kennels, dog show photography