Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos

Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos

Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos - News

english language

Our "Champions" til 30.12.2008

Airwaves Albi - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Club champion
Be-Be Beruška AV - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Club champion
Carte d´Or AV - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Slovak champion, Polish champion, Club champion, Czech grandchampion
Cocco Bounty AV - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion
Delissa Gefell AV - Czech Junior champion, Slovak Junior champion

Anika Sokolovská jednička - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Slovak champion, Club champion, Interchampion
Intichumpu Capac Cuna - Czech Junior champion, Polish Junior champion, Club champion
Bella Mia Luramion - Czech Junior champion

7.12.2008 NDS Nowa Ruda - PL

judge pan Karel Horak
Carte d´Or AV - champion cl. - exc.1 CWC, The Best Female, BOB - Carte became champion of Poland!
Bella Mia Luramion - middle cl. - exc.1 CWC
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - middle cl. - exc.1 CWC, The Best Male, BOB

29.11.2008 Magazine "Planeta zvirat" with introducing of the breed peruvian hairless dog was issued.

On the cover is our Corny Linea Anika Vevos (Niky) own. Zdenek Cetkovsky. Niky has wonderful character, she becomes real lady at home, she is listening her owner on command and she is pet of the family. Niky has a lot of dog friends, you can see them on photos below.

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog
Our kennel has two champions more. Carte d´Or Anika Vevos and Intichimpu Capac Cuna are both Club champions KCHN CZ!!!

The weekend 15-16.11.2008 will be unforgotable moment of our kennel. Daughter Viktorie (7 years) handled Mia on both shows and won 2x BOB!!!

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog

16.11.2008 IDS Praha

Dr. Goran Bodegard Ph. - S
Bella Mia Luramion - middle cl. - exc1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
Carte d´Or AV - winner cl. - exc1 CAC, r.CACIB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - middle cl. - exc1 CAC, CACIB

15.11.2008 Club Show KCHN CR

judge Mr. Tino Pehar - CRO
Peruvian hairless small
Ela Vanilka AV - puppy cl. - VP 1, 2nd place BIS BABY
Exqisa Frutt Amore AV - puppy cl. - VP 2
Carte d´Or AV - winner cl. - exc.1 CAC
Bella Mia Luramion - middle cl. - exc.1 CAC, Club winner, BOB
Peruvian hairless middle
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - middle cl. - exc.1 CAC, Club winner, BOB
Extréme Kit Kat AV - puppy cl. - VP 2
Delissa Gefell AV - middle cl. - exc.1 CAC
Anika Sokolovska jednicka - winner cl. - V1 CAC, Club Winner
Carte completed all conditions to be awared by the title Czech Grand Champion! Intichimpu got 10th title BOB!!!

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog
Carte d'Or AV / Intichimpu Capac Cuna / Ela Vanilka AV / Extréme Kit Kat AV

1.11.2008 IDS Nitra SK

Judge Mrs. Zdena Jilkova
Bella Mia Luramion - middle cl. - exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - middle cl. - exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog

28.9.2008 Special show KCHN - Trebic

judge Mr. Karel Horak
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - intermediate cl. - exc.1, CAC, VSV, BOB
Bella Mia Luramion - intermediate cl. - exc.1, CAC
Anika Sokolovská jednička - winner cl. - exc.1, CAC, VSV
Be-Be Beruska AV - winner cl. - exc.2, r.CAC
Cocco Bounty AV - winner cl. - exc.1, CAC
Delissa Gefell AV - intermediate cl.- exc.1, CAC
Niky took a part on the show after four years. She enjoyed it very much and proved that even bitch in seven years can be also succesful. Next to winning her class she also became Winner of the special show. On the BOB competition only Niky, handled by my daughter Viktorka, and Zany took a part. Viktorka handled in the show ring for the first time and I am so proud of her.

31.8.2008 IDS Mladá Boleslav

judge Mrs. Elzbieta Chwalibóg
Bella Mia Luramion - young cl. - exc.1, CAJC - Mia completed all conditions to be CZECH JUNIOR CHAMPION!
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - intermed. cl. - exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB
Cocco Bounty AV - champion cl. - V2, r.CAC
More pictures from the show are on Mias and Intichimpus webiste.

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog

20.8.2008 - Puppies

At night on 13.8. Carte gave her very first litter, proud sire is our Intichimpu Capac Cuna (import from Peru). More in section "Puppies".

20.7.2008 NDS Mladá Boleslav

judge Mrs. Ludmila Pavlikovi
Bella Mia Luramion - young class - exc.1, CAJC, BOB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - middle class - exc.1, CAC
Bueno Fruit AV - open class - exc.1, r.CAC

8.6.2008 MVP Nitra

judge Mr. Pawel Szemraj PL
Carte d´Or AV - champion class - exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, WINNER GRAND PRIX SLOVAKIA
Carte became Slovakian Champion!!
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - middle class - exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, WINNER GRAND PRIX SLOVAKIA

6.6.2008 NDS Senec

judge Mr. Dusan Paunovic SERB
Carte d´Or AV - champion class - exc.1, CAC, BOB
Cocco Bounty AV - champion class - exc.1, CAC
Intichimpu capac Cuna - middle class - exc.1, CAC, BOB

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog

30.5.2008 Niky has puppies!!!

25.5.2008 IDS - Litoměřice

judge Mrs. Zdena Jilkova
Carte d´Or AV - champion class - exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Airwaves Albi AV - champion class - exc.1, CAC, CACIB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - young class - exc.1, CAJC - Intichimpu completed all condition to be Czech Junior champion.

peruvian hairless dogperuvian hairless dog

18.5.2008 - NDS Jelenia Gora PL

judge Mrs. Magdalena Musial PL
Carte d´Or AV - champion class - exc.1, CWC, The best female, BOB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - young class - V1, Young winner, BOB - Intichimpu became Junior champion of Poland!

18.5. 2008 - IDS Bratislava SK

judge Mr. Skok Damir - HR
Delissa Gefell AV - young class - exc.1, CAJC, BOB - Delissa became Slovakian Junior Champion!!

17.5.2008 - IDS Bratislava SK

judge Mr. Teja Pedro Gonzales - GUA
Delissa Gefell AV - young class - exc.1, CAJC, BOB

17.5.2008 - Our kennel has a new member - peruvian hairless girl!
Už pracujeme na její vlastní stránce.

peruvian hairless dog

12.5.2008 - Kennel Ankadi has puppies!

Sired by our Ice Angel z Haliparku. Dam is Fee Bee Ankadi. 1 HA female and 2 HA males. More info http://www.cin-ankadi.wz.cz

peruvian hairless dog

3.5. Club show - without recieving the title Club Winner - Lysa nad Labem

judge MUDr.David Kolinsky
Carte d´Or AV - winner class - exc.1, CAC
Airwaves Albi AV - winner class - exc.1, CAC
Bueno Fruit AV - open class - exc.1, CAC
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - young class - exc.1, CAJC, BOB, res. BIS Young

Intichimpu Capac Cuna was registered as a stud male.

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog
Ch.Carte d' Or Anika Vevos a Intichimpu Capac Cuna / Huando a Intichimpu Capac Cuna - úspěch kluků z Peru.

27.4.2008 IDS Opole PL

judge Mr. Tomasz Borowski - PL
Carte d´Or AV - champion class - exc.1, CWC, CACIB, The best female, BOB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - young class - V1, Young winner, BOB
Carte got her 10th BOB on this show!

20.4.2008 IDSČeské Budějovice

judge Mr. Iluza Beradze
Cocco Bounty AV - open class - exc.1, CAC, CACIB - completed conditions for Czech Champion

13.4.2008 NDS Ostrava

judge Mr. Karel Horak
Cocco Bounty AV - open class - exc.1, CAC, National winner, BOB

29.3.2008 NDS Nitra

judge Mr. Leos Jancik
Carte d´Or AV - champion class - exc.1, CAC
Delissa Gefell AV - young class - exc.1, CAJC, BOB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - young class - exc.1

23.3.2008 IDS Praha

judge Mr. Josef Nemec Carte d´Or AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB, BOB - Cruft´s 2009 qualification
Bueno Fruit AV - exc.1st, CAC, CACIB - Cruft´s 2009 qualification
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - exc.1st, CAJC, BOB - Cruft´s 2009 qualification

The are some new photos added in "Gallery" and "Our males - Intichimpu Capac Cuna" sections.

14.3.2008 Health test

Today we were checking luxace patel, all of our dogs had a great result.
Carte d´Or AV - result of the test 0/0
Airwaves Albi AV - result of the test 0/0
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - result of the test 0/0

10.2.2008 IDS Brno

judge Mr. Petr Rehanek
Carte d´Or AV - open class - exc.1st CAC, r.CACIB - Carte completed all conditions to be Czech Champion
Delissa Gefell AV - young class - exc.1st CAJC - Delissa completed all conditions to be Czech Junior Champion

peruvian hairless dog


Eva Černohubová - Website for breeders, graphics for kennels, dog show photography