Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos

Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos

Westsiberian laika and peruvian hairless dog - kennel Anika Vevos - News

english language

Our "Champions" til 30.12.2009

Airwaves Albi AV - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Club champion
Be-Be Beruška AV - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Club champion, Slovakian champion
Bueno Fruit AV - Czech champion
Carte d´Or AV - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Slovakian champion, Champion of Poland, Club champion, Czech Grand champion, Interchampion
Cocco Bounty AV - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion
Delissa Gefell AV - Czech Junior champion, Slovakian champion
Exqisa Frutt Amore AV - Czech Junior champion, Slovakian champion
Ela Vanilka AV - Czech Junior champion

Anika Sokolovská jednička - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Slovakian champion, Club champion, Interchampion, Czech Grand champion
Intichumpu Capac Cuna - Czech Junior champion, Young Champion of Poland, Club Champion, Czech champion, Slovakian champion, Czech Grand champion
Bella Mia Luramion - Czech Junior champion, Czech champion, Czech Grand champion, Club champion
Illa Thupa of Lebannie and Sons - Czech Junior champion

Health tests

Airwaves Albi AV - luxace patella 0/0
Carte d´Or AV - luxace patella 0/0
Ela Vanilka AV - luxace patella 0/0
Grand Lux AV - genetical eye faults - clinical clear

Anika Sokolovská jednička - luxace patella 0/0, PRA,LL - negativ
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - luxace patella 0/0
Illa Thupa of Lebannie and Sons - luxace patella 0/0
Bella Mia Luramion - luxace patella 0/0

7.11.2009 - Club Show KCHN - Prague

judge Mr. Karel Horak
Illa Thupa of Lebannie and Sons - young cl. - Exc.1 CAJC, The Best Young, BOB, BIS 1st Young - Thupa completed all conditions to be Czech junior Champion.
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - winner cl. - Exc.1 CAC
Gumini Jashu AV - puppy cl. - VP1
Ela Vanikla AV - mezitřída - Exc.1 CAC
Anika Sokolovská jednička - Veteran cl. - Exc.1 VCW, The Best veteran, Veteran BIS 2nd
Grand Lux AV - puppy cl. - VP1, Puppy BIS 1st
Gepa Mint Noir AV took a part in competition of the Best coated peruvian hairless dog and was placed 2nd.

25.10. IDS České Budějovice

judge Mgr. Bozena Ovesna
Ela Vanilka AV - intermed. cl. - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB - all conditon for CZECH JUNIOR CHAMPION are completed! Congatulations to Vanilka and her owners!

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8.10.2009 - World Dog Show Bratislava

judge Mr. Jipping Gerard - NL
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - champion cl. - V1, CAC, CACIB, World Winner 2009 + Champion of Slovakia
Illa Thupa of Lebannie and Sons - young cl. - Exc.1, CAJC, Junior BOB, Junior World Winner 2009
Bella Mia Luramion - champion cl. - Exc.2, r.CAC - handled by daughter Viktorie (8 years)
Finesses de Chocolat AV - young cl.- V1, CAJC, Junior World Winner 2009
Exqisa Frutt Amore AV - intermed. cl. - V1, CAC + Champion of Slovakia
Delissa Gefell AV - open cl. - Exc.3

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Bella Mia, Exquisa and Intichimpu Capac Cuna
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Illa Thupa
Thanks to Sonja Kolijn for phtos

27.9.2009 - Health tests

Grand Lux AV - test of eye genetic diseases - clinical clear

19.9.2009 - Club Show KCHN CZ - Trebic

judge Mr. Antonin Mudra
Gumini Jashu AV - puppy cl. - VP1, BIS dorost
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - champion cl. - Exc.1 CAC, Club Winner, BOB, 3rd place BIS
Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons - young cl. - Exc.1 CAJC, Young Club Winner, BOB, BIS 4th place - Thupa completed all conditions to become CZECH JUNIOR CHAMPION!
Anika Sokolovska jednicka - veteran cl. - Exc.1 ( handled by daughter Viktorie)
Ela Vanilka AV - young cl. - Exc.2

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Anika Sokolovská jednička / Gumini Jashu AV / Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons

30.8.2009 - IDS Mladá Boleslav

judge Mrs. Ludmila Pavlikova
Anika Sokolovská jednička - champion cl. - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB - ( handled by daughter Viktoria, 8 years ) - Niky completed conditions to be "CZECH GRAND CHAMPION"
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - champion cl. - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB - Zany completed all conditions to be "CZECH GRAND CHAMPION"
Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons - young cl. - Exc.1 CAJC, BOB junior
Ela Vanilka AV - young cl. - Exc.1 CAJC, BOB junior
Exqisa Frutt Amore AV - young cl. - Exc.1 CAJC
Grand Lux AV - youth cl. - VP1

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Exquisa Frutt Amore/ Ela Vanilka / Grand Lux / Intichipmu Capac Cuna / Thupa / Anika

25.8.2009 Results of Luxace patelly

Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons - 0/0
Ela Vanilka AV - 0/0

26.7.2009 - Memorial of Grem Modry kvet - agility

Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons - puppies - 1st place
Bella Mia Luramion - beginners - 3rd place

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25.7.2009 - Club coursing Svojanov

Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons - puppies - 1st place
Gumini Jashu AV - amateurs - 3rd place
We spent wonderful week in Svojanov. Jashu was attending scholl for puppies and tried coursing. Thupa was running coursing, agility and seniorhandling. Zany agility. Mia was taking lessons of juniorhandling with Viktorka and was running agility very well. My big thanks belong to Eva, who made us into agility and was always very patient, Libuska for teaching Viktorka juniorhandling and to Stana for organization of this action.

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19.7.2009 - NDS Mladá Boleslav

judge Mrs. Ivana Síbrtová
Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons - young cl. - exc.1 CAJC, The Best Young, BOB
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - champion cl. - exc.1 CAC, National winner, BOB
Exqisa Frutt Amore AV - young cl. - exc.1 CAJC - Tyna completed all conditions to be Czech junior champion! Congratulation.
Ela Vanilka AV - young cl. - exc.2
Grand Lux AV - puppy cl. - VP1

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Illa Thupa of Lebannie & Sons / Intichimpu Capac Cuna / Ela Vanilka AV / Exqisa Frutt Amore AV

29.6.2009 Magazine Svet psu 07/2009

There is a poster of our puppies from litter G in new issue Svet psu - photo by Jan Simecek.

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fom the left: Grand Lux , Gelées Barattolo, Goal Toc-Toc

21.6.2009 - Shire show Trmice

judge Mr. Iuza Beradze - Gruzia
Extréme Kit Kat AV - young cl. - V1, Class winner

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14.6.2009 - NDS Klatovy

judge Mrs. Olga Dolejsova
Ela Vanilka AV - young cl. - Exc.1 CAJC, BOB, BIG Junior, BOD Junior !!!
Exquisa Frutt Amore AV - young cl. - Exc.1 CAJC, BOB
Congratulations to Vanilka and Tyna !!

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Ela Vanilka Anika Vevos - Junior BOD, Ela Vanilka and Exquisa Frutt Amore Anika Vevos

6.6.2009 - Special show KCHN CR - Lysa nad Labem

judge Mrs. Vera Sosnova
Bella Mia Luramion - winner cl. - exc.1 CAC, SSW - ( handled by daughter Viktorie 8 years) Mia completed all conditions to be awarded by title CZECH GRAND CHAMPION!!!
Bueno Fruit AV - open cl. - exc.1 CAC, SSW
Exqisa Frutt Amore AV - young cl. - exc.2

24.5.2009 - IDS - Litoměřice

judge: RNDr. Jaroslava Ovesná
Bella Mia Luramion - champion cl. - Exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB - Mia was handled by daughter Viktoria (8 years)
Exqisa Frutt Amore AV - young cl. - V1 CAJC
Extréme Kit Kat AV - young cl. - Exc.2

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Bella Mia Luramion

8.5.2009 - Today an airplane with our new boy from Peru landed on airport in Ruzyne.

Illa Thupa of Lebannie and Sons

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3.5.2009 IDS Praha

judge Mr. Josef Nemec
Bella Mia Luramion - champion cl. - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, Prague winner, BOB - Mia was handled by daufgter Viktorka (8 years)
Intichimpu Capac Cuna - champion cl. - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, Prague winner, BOB
Bueno Fruit AV - open cl. - Exc.1, CAC, r.CACIB - Matysek became Czech champion - congratulations!.
Ela Vanilka AV - young cl. - exc.2

18.4.2009 Championship of our country in agility chinese crested dogs and peruvian hairless dogs.

Bueno Fruit AV - Master of our country 2009!!!
Congratulation and thanks to Matysek and his owner Eva!!!!

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8.2.2009 - IDS Brno

judge Ing. J.Dostal DrCs.
Carte d´Or AV - champion cl. - exc.1 CAC, CACIB, BOB - Carte completed all conditions to be INTERCHAMPION!!!
Intichimpu CC - intermediate cl. - exc.1 CAC, CACIB - Zany completed all conditions to be CZECH CHAMPION !!!
Bella Mia Luramion - open cl. - exc.1 CAC, r.CACIB - Mia completed all conditions to be CZECH CHAMPION!!!
Extréme Kit Kat AV - youth cl. - VP1
Finesses de Chocolat AV - puppy cl. - VP2

peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog peruvian hairless dog
Bella Mia Luramion, Finesses de Chocolat AV, Extréme Kit Kat AV, Carte d'Or AV, Intichimpu CC

7.2.2009 MVP Brno

judge C.Stefanescu - RO
Finesses de Chocolat AV - puppy cl. - VP1

27.1.2009 MVP Trenčín - SK

judge G.Ridarcikova - SK
Be-Be Beruska AV - champion cl. - exc.1 CAC, r.CACIB - Beruska completed all conditions to be SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION!!! Congratulations!


Eva Černohubová - Website for breeders, graphics for kennels, dog show photography